Tuesday 5 April 2016

My Bucket List Item

100 Cake Sundays is a bold wish. It will take me much longer to fulfil this bucket list item. I want to make 100 cakes. New flavors, new designs and new techniques.

I've been told I should take professional training if I love baking and cakes so much. But I believe the fun is in learning this myself. Sure internet makes it possible for me. But it's my journey. I will learn from my experiences, I will discover my love for all things artsy and I will enjoy every minute of this.

100 Cake Sundays is about my story of making a hundred cakes, all of which I will design and bake and decorate. Now, each cake may take more than a Sunday. But that's okay. I promise you, there'll be a hundred. I will take you through every process. Every accomplishment. And every loss.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you had a good time reading. Comments, suggestions, inspirations and motivations are appreciated.